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What Causes Ridges on Nails?

📄 Transcript for Mixo.io: What Causes Ridges on Nails? 🟢 Introduction: Understanding Ridges on Nails Many medical professionals treat only the symptom without exploring the root cause. Ridges on nails are just the tip of the iceberg, often indicating underlying nutrient deficiencies. 🔍 Main Causes of Vertical Ridges on Nails: Iron Deficiency: Symptoms: Fatigue, weakness, and pale skin. Risk Factors: Heavy menstruation, a vegan diet, or poor iron absorption. Solution: Increase red meat intake or consider grass-fed liver pills. Zinc Deficiency: Symptoms: Frequent infections, hair loss, and skin rashes. Risk Factors: Poor diet, excessive alcohol, or low intake of shellfish. Solution: 50 mg zinc supplements with a 1:10 ratio of copper to avoid depletion. Biotin Deficiency: Symptoms: Brittle nails, hair breakage, and peripheral neuropathy. Risk Factors: Long-term antibiotic use, poor gut health, or eating raw egg whites. Solution: Take biotin supplements and improve gut health with probiotics and fermented foods. 💡 Key Insights: Avoid high-dose biotin supplements; instead, aim for a balanced intake. Understand that biotin, zinc, and iron all contribute to collagen production, which is essential for healthy nails. The best approach is to treat the root cause, not just the symptom. 📢 Conclusion: The video emphasizes the importance of looking deeper than the symptoms. All 5,700 videos by the creator focus on making connections between health symptoms and underlying causes. Avoid the healthcare trap of just treating symptoms—always seek the true cause of health issues. 🔗 Watch Full Video and More: For more videos on functional medicine, health tips, and root-cause analysis, visit: 👉 Influencer Hub Video Gallery Would you like more detailed sections or additional health topics to include in your Mixo.io video gallery?

<span>What Causes Ridges on Nails?</span>

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